請問除了chip reset之類的,還有別的方式可以讓I2C回復正常嗎?作者: CHLIN55 时间: 2015-10-13 14:04
技術手冊上有提到status 0x00的時候如何排除:
To recover I2C from bus error, STO should be set and SI should be clear to enter not addressed Slave mode. Then STO is cleared to release bus and to wait new communication. I2C bus cannot recognize stop condition during this action when bus error occurs.作者: Andes 时间: 2015-10-13 17:17
問題解決, 感謝!
看datasheet,以為只有當master時,設定STO才有用。作者: gorock0717 时间: 2015-10-13 17:53
不过我是NUC123当I2C master使用。
但我有尝试使用STO却无确实回复正常?使否有解?作者: CHLIN55 时间: 2015-10-14 09:22
1. 先下STOP (STA,STO,SI,AA)=(0,1,1,x)
2. 然後release bus (STA,STO,SI,AA)=(0,0,1,X)
3. 再重新下START(STA,STO,SI,AA)=(1,0,1,X)