if(SYS->REGLCTL == 1) // In end of main function, program issued CPU reset and write-protection will be disabled.
/* Init System, IP clock and multi-function I/O */
SYS_Init(); //In the end of SYS_Init() will issue SYS_LockReg() to lock protected register. If user want to write protected register, please issue SYS_UnlockReg() to unlock protected register.
/* Init UART0 for printf */
printf("\n\nCPU @ %dHz\n", SystemCoreClock);
This sample code will show some function about system manager controller and clock controller:
1. Read PDID
2. Get and clear reset source
3. Setting about BOD
4. Change system clock depended on different PLL settings
5. Output system clock from CKO pin, and the output frequency = system clock / 4