Platform: N9H20
Platform resource link: ... _locale=en
BSP link:
Sample code brief: SimpleDemo and GUIDemo on FreeRTOS
IDE: Keil professional
Please note that to run the sample code we need to download the latest version of N9H20 BSP from OpenNuvoton.
Porting guide for important files for FreeRTOS:
In sample root and "Application" folder we duplicated and modified important files:
sample root:
1. standalone.c. (for heap assignment)
2. wb_init.s. (for SWI handler, e. g., vTaskDelay)
3. FreeRTOSConfig.h. (for mutex config)
4. GUI_X_FreeRTOS.c. (time related on FreeRTOS platform)
Please note that BSP emWin library is for non-OS ONLY, hence, please don't run emWin related on multiple tasks.
(38.7 KB, 下载次数: 509)
(1.14 MB, 下载次数: 517)