



[N76E003] Close-Loop BLDC Motor Control

admin 发表于 2023-9-19 10:32:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  • Application: This example code based on N76E003 for implementing the close-loop BLDC motor controlled
  • BSP Version: N76E003_BSP_Keil_C51_V1.0.6
  • Hardware: NuTiny-N76E003
In this example code, the NuMicro 8051 N76E003 series is used as an example. Based on PWM and GPIO interrupt of N76E003, it can implement close-loop Brushless DC Motor (BLDC Motor). Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) is a technique to change the output energy by modifying the duty cycle. It can apply to modify the motor speed, control valve … etc.

BLDC Motor rectifies by electric device instead of traditional brush. It can increase the reliability and endurance. The advantage of BLDC Motor is smaller volume, higher reliability, and higher endurance than same rated power brush DC Motor. The disadvantage of BLDC Motor is need the electric device like microcontroller for controlling.

Basic BLDC Motor is equipped with the hall sensor to feedback the signal of rotor state. Microcontroller will output the 6 sets PWM control signal for 3 sets MOS upper/lower-arms to control 3-phase motor. And microcontroller needs 3 GPIO for receiving hall signal for detecting the rotor state.

Close-loop controller is based on mathematical model of system and current state to generate the control signal. The system will modify itself to ideal state automatically by feedback signal. The robustness of close-loop system is better than open-loop system. However, if the system does not need the high accuracy, it can implement on open-loop controller.

This example code is based on close-loop controller to control the BLDC motor and modified the motor speed by variable resistor.

You can download the sample code at https://www.nuvoton.com/resource-downlo ... 1123155328

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